Saturday 1 March 2014

At the Mercy of the Season...

Hello all.

I thought I had better post an update on my work of late (or actually, the lack thereof).  Generally, winter tends to slow down my pen production to some extent thanks to the effect of the cold on my equipment (and my hands!).  My workshop is, sadly, unheated - and while it usually a good deal warmer than outside, it is still nowhere near room temperature.  However, I can usually fit in some productivity on the warmer days.

This winter,  on the other hand, is a completely different matter.  We have had almost completely unwavering bitter cold for over three months now, with temperatures below -20 C being the norm.  In fact, we celebrated March 1st today with a morning temperature of -32 C (and a wind chill of -43C)!  This has unfortunately meant very, very few workable days in the shop over the past several weeks.  In fact, I can probably count them on one hand.

So while it is still bitterly cold here right now, Spring is officially only three weeks away, so it has to warm up soon.  Right?  I hope?

Anyhow, many apologies for delays in completing orders --- please stand by and please think very warm thoughts!

Kind regards,

Ken Cavers

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